

Privacy Policy for Owlstown websites

January 24, 2022

Every Owlstown website finally has a Privacy Policy statement. Many of you have asked for this feature in the past several months, so I'm glad I finally got around to it. 

You can see yours by visiting your Owlstown website, then look for the "Privacy Policy" link at the footer.

Having a Privacy Policy page is part of making your website GDPR-compliant. This is important for your website visitors from countries where GDPR is enforced. 
In general, individual Owlstown websites do not collect any personal information. However, for Owlstown websites that have Google Analytics, I've added a feature to automatically turn on IP anonymization, so your website remains GDPR-compliant.

There are a few more privacy features I plan to add:
  • A consent popup that shows up for users informing them of the Privacy Policy.
  • A way to edit or replace the Privacy Policy with your own Privacy Policy statement.

Greetings from Owlstown!

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